Friday, February 04, 2005


Ed.'s note: Theme from Bush II

The end of the Iraqi war wasn't near
when quite fortuitously,
an Ayatollah of note, urged his followers to vote
and turned our folly into vic-tor-ee.

The world was amazed, but none more so
than his proud little family group
For Jeb and his dad couldn't believe
that W was the one to achieve...Bush II!

Where the deficit soars and the economy snores
and the middle class takes a lickin'
Where Gypsy Moths and Democrats
all turn chicken

When the luck runs cold and reality takes hold
there'll be plenty of clean-up to do,
but not before we recast Rushmore
with the faces of the cast and the crew...
Our kids will ask us when we knew...
Proof Evolution isn't true...
Bush II!

--I. Shade (with apologies to Irving Taylor and William Lava)

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